05-06-2022, 05:54 PM
I have not personally worked with these folks, but I know several who have successfully used their courses for certification AND transferred them for college credit. They are not accredited or recognizedby any recognized accreditor/college credit service, but they claim a high degree of success in getting their coursework accepted for college credit, and their coursework qualifies (at least in CA) for CADC certification. And I know they have an arrangement to supervise practicum using a local site that you find, that counts for the coursework required.
Two other options I know of that have distance-based coursework that would meet the HUS 316 and HUS 320 are paloverde.edu and mjc.edu. Both are CA community colleges, about $150/credit hour out of state. The trauma one might be hard to find.
You might also want to check coopersmith. They have several SUD-related courses, if your school will accept NCCRS credits.
Two other options I know of that have distance-based coursework that would meet the HUS 316 and HUS 320 are paloverde.edu and mjc.edu. Both are CA community colleges, about $150/credit hour out of state. The trauma one might be hard to find.
You might also want to check coopersmith. They have several SUD-related courses, if your school will accept NCCRS credits.