05-04-2022, 01:21 PM
(05-04-2022, 01:15 PM)rachel83az Wrote: One thing I think that most people would be interested in learning: exactly how long are the papers supposed to be? 2-3 pages? 5-7 pages?
So far, the low end has been 2-3 and high end 4-5 pages. However some modules have a Part A and a Part B, with two writing assignments. One recent module resulted in a 4 page paper (Part A) and a 5 page paper (Part B). Sometimes the second assignment is PowerPoint presentation vs. Word document.
It's a lot of writing for sure, but for people who don't do well in proctored exams (like me), it's the lesser of two evils.
Purdue Global, BS IT
- Sophia (13 courses)
- Study.com (5 courses)
- W3Schools (PHP Certification)
- Purdue Global ExcelTrack (2 terms)