04-02-2022, 07:25 PM
(04-02-2022, 06:35 PM)carrythenothing Wrote: Wouldn't you have the written assignment instead of the test as a liberal studies major?
You have both. You're confusing the major field test with the ETS proficiency profile.
*everyone* does the proficiency profile.
*certain majors* do a major field test (CS, psychology, business are three I know offhand). If you major does not include a major field test ( liberal studies is one that doesn't), you do the written assignment instead.
Major field test, if you have to take it, can impact your course grade, as it is 10% of your overall grade.
ETS proficiency profile will almost certainly not, as you get 75% credit even if you get the lowest score, and 3.75% vs 5% is not enough to make a difference unless you've really screwed up somewhere else.