03-15-2022, 02:08 PM
(03-15-2022, 11:34 AM)path_seeker Wrote: Happy to see a fellow Indian here. I am doing BBA PM & IS from UMPI. It's costing me 1.5 Lakhs including everything(non-Indians, please excuse me for using an Indian-specific term roughly equals to $2000). If you want a RA degree from a B&M state university cheaper than Btech from a tier-2 college in India, nothing can beat UMPI.
To make it simple, Get BBA PM from UMPI -- show it to recruiters -- get a job -- rejoin when UMPI introduces CS degree -- and complete only required courses to get a CS degree.
UMPI does not offer a BBA. They offer a BA in Business Administration. Just wanted to clear that up as a BBA is an actual degree in the US and it's not offered at UMPI. The UMPI YourPace degrees are BA and BLS.