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ACE vs NCCRS: Anyone know why a provider choose one over the other?
Just to clarify. Excelsior College was created by the New State Board of Regents. Some believe it was part of the SUNY system which it wasn't. NCCRS was created by the University of the State of New York (man our state uses weirds names). It's still owned by them. The Board of Regents is part of the University of the State of New York but separate at the same time. This state is really wonky the way they do these things.

ACE is much larger than NCCRS. ACE has a Wiki page and NCCRS doesn't which is interesting. Since NCCRS is affiliated with a state and their crazy government, many schools and states may not want to deal with their bureaucracy. ACE is significantly older as it was created in 1918. Over the decades they've worked to improve access to education to everyone in the nation from those who didn't compete high school to military members. ACE has been politically involved in education as well. They've helped get laws like Title IX passed.

ACE just does more than NCCRS. Probably because it's its own entity and not a wonky branch of a government.
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RE: ACE vs NCCRS: Anyone know why a provider choose one over the other? - by ss20ts - 02-15-2022, 04:02 PM

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