(12-01-2021, 01:01 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Wow, congrats on an amazing job getting that triple minor! I am totally impressed with the GPA as well, a 4.0! Great work, it's you who put in the effort and now see the degree come into fruition! Pat yourself on the back, you deserve it for that persistence in completing the degree! Just one question, why a triple minor instead of a BABA?Hi and thanks so much everyone! I signed up for the BLS because I needed fewer classes for it. I wasn't sure how quickly I'd get through each course, how many I could get done each term, etc. I finished super fast both terms, but I had experience in all but one class and I just needed one more class for the Business Admin and 2 for the IS. The Intl Studies gave me a use for the ACTFL tests I had taken, so that was a plus too.
I thought a lot about just going for the BABA, but I was scared because I didn't have any experience with the classes I'd need for it (i.e. Accounting) and I wanted to keep my 4.0 and finish quickly. I didn't qualify for financial aid for the first session, but I applied for a professional judgment. It took 3 months and I was finishing my last class of the second term (and my whole degree) when that came through. I was poor and exhausted and afraid that taking too many unfamiliar classes would affect my motivation and speed.
In hindsight, I don't really regret it. I'm not planning for a master's, and I've got 20+ years of work experience, a lot of professional certs, and an employer I am likely to retire with so the type of degree didn't matter much for me. I'd advise others to go for it if they can afford it and have the time.
(12-01-2021, 05:34 PM)LevelUP Wrote: More proof that anyone can do this.That's exactly right! I had plenty of hurdles, but the folks here gave me info to get around them or pep talks to keep going. This was my 4th or 5th attempt to finish, so don't give up!
Don't be brainwashed by all the negative stats and figures of high college dropout rates.
Don't be discouraged because you had a bad academic experience in high school or college.
Don't give up, we only have one life.