To satisfy the concentration requirements I used:
Industrial Psyc (TECEP) Lower
Principles of Supervision (DSST) Lower
Labor Relations (ECE) Upper
Human Resource Management (ECE) Upper
Organizational Behavior (ECE) Upper
That is 9 upper and 6 lower. My HRM degree is being conferred today.
I take it you enrolled before July 1, 2008. If you did, this should work for you also.
Follow the catalog on the rest of the requirements, you can get the catalog in PDF form at Excelsiors website.
For the requirement for any business degree read page 30, it says minimum 12 upper level business credits with a minimum of 9 in the concentration.
For the requirement for the HR concentration it is 15 credits with a minimum of 9 upper. The 3 remaining upper credits can be gotten from other DSST exams like MIS, Money and Banking, Business Law II.
Oh, and Finance is not considered upper level by Excelsior, although it is by DSST.
Industrial Psyc (TECEP) Lower
Principles of Supervision (DSST) Lower
Labor Relations (ECE) Upper
Human Resource Management (ECE) Upper
Organizational Behavior (ECE) Upper
That is 9 upper and 6 lower. My HRM degree is being conferred today.
I take it you enrolled before July 1, 2008. If you did, this should work for you also.
Follow the catalog on the rest of the requirements, you can get the catalog in PDF form at Excelsiors website.
For the requirement for any business degree read page 30, it says minimum 12 upper level business credits with a minimum of 9 in the concentration.
For the requirement for the HR concentration it is 15 credits with a minimum of 9 upper. The 3 remaining upper credits can be gotten from other DSST exams like MIS, Money and Banking, Business Law II.
Oh, and Finance is not considered upper level by Excelsior, although it is by DSST.
63 Prin Macro68 Prin Mktg, 66 Prin Mgmt, 52 Prin Micro,
506 Soc Sci and Hist, 659 Col Math, 431 Eng Comp,
63 Prin of Acc, [SIZE=1]55 Fresh Comp, 58 Humanit,
66 Info Sys and Comp App, 600 Nat Sci, 60 West Civ I,
58 West Civ II, 54 Intro Bus Law, 66 Ana & Int Lit
62 Mgmt Info Sys, 54 Mon & Bank, 65 Ethics in Amer
51 Prin Statistics, 47 Princ Fin (46 to pass)
65 Princ of Sup, 71 Bus Math, 72 Intro Bus
C Org Beh, C Human Res Mgmt, B College Writing, B Labor Relations, P Info Lit, A Business Strategy
57 Ops Mgmt (50 to pass), 70 Industrial Psych (60 to pass)
63 Prin Macro68 Prin Mktg, 66 Prin Mgmt, 52 Prin Micro,
506 Soc Sci and Hist, 659 Col Math, 431 Eng Comp,
63 Prin of Acc, [SIZE=1]55 Fresh Comp, 58 Humanit,
66 Info Sys and Comp App, 600 Nat Sci, 60 West Civ I,
58 West Civ II, 54 Intro Bus Law, 66 Ana & Int Lit
62 Mgmt Info Sys, 54 Mon & Bank, 65 Ethics in Amer
51 Prin Statistics, 47 Princ Fin (46 to pass)

65 Princ of Sup, 71 Bus Math, 72 Intro Bus
C Org Beh, C Human Res Mgmt, B College Writing, B Labor Relations, P Info Lit, A Business Strategy
57 Ops Mgmt (50 to pass), 70 Industrial Psych (60 to pass)