(07-01-2021, 12:40 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: @p226mem, post #8 has got your answer. If you refer to that link, it shows you almost all the options available to select from.
sorta. Post 17 has my answer. Knowledge of Human Culture requirements have 4 subsections now to meet (one each from Humanities, History, and Social Sciences, and then subsection 4 is "2 of any mix of those".
Now it makes sense what TESU was saying about History is not part of Social Sciences any more but still 'history" and now "humanities".
post 8 just shows all possible. but when I click it's not showing the the subsections.
thanks though. I got it from Level Up's post in #17. I just wasn't seeing the 9 plus 6 as the sectional split with category names. Figured it was something very captain obvious like that.
TESU: BALS June 2021 (comm college, clep, sdc sophia coopersmith, SOS110, and capstone)