12-20-2020, 08:25 PM
(12-20-2020, 06:51 PM)Areyes2511 Wrote: Ive read all of that. They way they word it makes it seem that you dont need to meet the residency reirement if you enroll i the fflate rate tuition plan : " However, not everyone has this requirement. Whether or not you have to satisfy a credit hour residency requirement depends upon your enrollment plan."
So you're asking this board to tell you what your enrollment plan is? If you don't know what it is, how would you expect anyone here to know?
You've had several people trying to help you out, and each time you get a response, the goal posts move and suddenly there's a different issue.
Maybe emailing TESU might be the best step here. TESU advisors don't always give accurate info for course transfers, but in this case, they will be able to tell you what your enrollment plan is, and whether you are obliged to pay the residency waiver, (or if you have some unique circumstance that removes this obligation, or whatever it is you're hoping for).