(12-07-2020, 06:14 AM)cerich67 Wrote: The University part doesn't matter as much in the states where everyone says "college" but it does matter internationally and yes, even here in the states.
That's true. I am also considering this issue as an international student. The 'college' label could be a problem. However, a lot of the board discussion about "for-profits" and "regional accreditation" is often irrelevant in an international context where you're presenting an American degree to employers. The regional accreditation issue might come up when you're dealing with a specific country's degree evaluating agency (UK, Germany, etc.), but plenty of first world countries accept degrees from U.S. nationally accredited institutions without the slightest issue. Around the world, a degree from the for-profit California Coast University might even be seen as "better" than a degree from Charter Oak State College simply due to the college name. I think that it's something that one should consider.