10-29-2020, 06:40 PM
(10-01-2020, 10:35 AM)Any idea how much it would cost for the CompTIA bundle? I am interested in it. BBryant165 Wrote: I got an email the other day from the Excelsior team. They partnered with Ed2Go to develop a series of courses with both self-paced and instructor-led options designed specifically for workplace skills or certifications. I wasn't able to look through all of them and only shortly glanced but it appeared the courses were very diverse and had some interesting options for relatively cheap ($115 - $250) which is about the same price they charge for the base rate of the UExcel exams. See the email below and the attached link, what are your thoughts?
Dear Student,
A short-term investment can yield long-term rewards. At Excelsior College, we want to provide you with a variety of opportunities that will prepare you for success in your professional and personal lives. That is why we have partnered with ed2go on 100 percent online, noncredit courses that will help you gain additional workforce skills or give you a convenient way to explore your interests. Some of the courses can be completed in as little as three months.
Our Career Training courses are designed to prepare you for a new career, career advancement, or industry certification in some of the most in-demand fields, such as health care, technology, and business. We also offer Professional Skills Training courses that will help you take the next step in your personal or professional life.
Both the Career Training and Professional Skills Training courses can supplement what you’re learning in your degree program to help you further stand out in your chosen industry. Whether you’re looking to expand your workforce skills, pursue professional development, or explore personal interests, know we are here to support you every step of the way.
I encourage you to browse our training course offerings.
John V. Caron, EdD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs