(09-18-2020, 01:01 PM)sambam0812 Wrote:(12-27-2019, 10:21 AM)nilahti2 Wrote: I planned on applying to Charter Oaks for Spring 2020 to complete my cornerstone and capstone. I currently have a bit over 90 credits and was trying to complete a few more classes in the next two weeks to have more units to transfer in. I am aiming to get my degree by the end of March 2020. I have made this decision because of the time which the cornerstone and capstone are offered. I filled out my FAFSA the day before yesterday. And was surprised to get an email from Charter Oaks saying we got your financial file - now fill out the application. My question is this...How long does Charter give you to get all your transcripts in after applying. Because I am still trying to complete courses so I am waiting on a transcript or two to be able to add these courses in the next two weeks. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Just in case anyone wants an answer to this question, I actually went almost a year between submitting my application and sending in all of my transcripts. Once I sent those in, I was officially accepted about 48 hours later, and about 5 business days later I had my official credit evaluation (which you need in order to register for courses). Financial aid takes the longest IMO; they only start working on your package AFTER you have been advised/received your transfer eval, they don't work in tandem with advising. So make sure there's enough time between when you apply and the start of the next semester/term, I would say at least 14 days if you've already completed the FAFSA beforehand.
Although keep in mind, you can only transfer a max of 90 credits to an undergrad degree.
If you wait that long between applying and sending transcripts, I believe you won't be "locked in" to the current calendar (meaning if the requirements or policies change, you may be subject to different standards).
Also, it is not technically correct to say you can only transfer in 90 credits - see other posts about the RA credit requirements. From my understanding you can only transfer in 90 credits from partner non-RA sources. Read the sticky thread : "students will be limited to a total of 90 degree-applicable credits from non-regionally accredited course providers, even if an agreement is in place."