(09-03-2020, 05:58 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: I would apply to TESU and get an evaluation done for both the BALS and the BSBA. Since work is going to pay a set amount for you, you might to take 16-18 credits through TESU to skip the residency waiver requirement and also hit the second Bachelors. 1 cornerstone, 2 capstones, is already 9 credits. You can take the Associates Capstone if you want an Associates of Applied Science degree en route to the Bachelors. That leaves you with only 4 credits, you can take another 3 credit course along with the 1 credit Jane Austen course. The 3 credit course I recommend is the new SOS-240 so you can do an easier Capstone for the BALS.
I get into too much/too fast and it gets confusing, follow these steps as you're missing several courses for a BALS and/or BSBA:
For BALS UL: Easiest is the TEEX Death Investigation $75 (get a second monitor for multi-tasking) and Coopersmith, Davar, Study.com
For BSBA UL: Easiest is Davar, Study.com - you should decide on General Management or another AOS concentration first
1) BSBA/BALS - InstantCertCredit.com - American Government for $20 + $15 proctor fee (Civic Engagement)
2) BSBA GM - InstantCertCredit.com - UL Managerial Accounting $20 + $15 proctor fee, AOS
How would the second Bachelors route look like? Would I work on one after the other? I’d probably skip the associates. So both capstones could go towards my 16-18 credits to avoid the residency waiver? How many additional credits would we be talking?
I’ll look into some of the UL credit courses you mentioned. I was only looking at courses from study.com or Davar that would work for a BSBA or was pretty much ready to bite the bullet and get at minimum 30 credits from my school of choice just to avoid paying more out of pocket but this newfound information of going the BALS route has me rethinking my plan to get things done quicker.
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