08-19-2020, 04:11 PM
(08-19-2020, 03:57 PM)MNomadic Wrote: I asked about working ahead and this was the response
Quote:The weeks will become available over time, this is intended design to allow students to experience the material over time (you'll learn better this way) rather than camp out at your PC one weekend to finish the entire course.
but, but, I want to work ahead!
LOL now I'm tempted to sign up for more cheap ASU courses but there isn't anything left(starting this term) that will directly contribute to my degree goals and I still have some sophias, IT certs, and other alt credits to get through in the coming months before I enroll.
It is a bit annoying that they won't let you work ahead. The first week is very frustrating. The "how to ASU" is in the first part of every ASU course and it's a bit annoying when you have to do it for multiple classes. Oh well.