Sophia is typically the fastest for general ed box checking. I would start there and like others have suggested do as much as you can while it's free so don't start anything that requires touchstones (English, speech). You should be able to do sociology in a week. English Comp 1, Public Speaking, College Alegebra, Sociology, Ethics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, Conflict resolution and visual communications will all count. Don't pay full price though; get a multi-class deal. Should be able to get them down to about $99 per class. Figure out how many credits TESU will give you for Italian and the other non accounting classes you took; that will reduce the number of electives you need. Economics is required for the degree so certainly do those.
With your experience I would imagine you could blast through the accounting classes in days. is all about going fast and doing as many exams in a month as possible. 5 if you can swing it. You can do your advanced math there and most of the business core.
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With your experience I would imagine you could blast through the accounting classes in days. is all about going fast and doing as many exams in a month as possible. 5 if you can swing it. You can do your advanced math there and most of the business core.
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