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I think I am getting it (am I?)

I agree with everything said thus far and took the exam last month-even if you know something about a subject area it is unlikely that you would know the exact words IC flashcards require first time through. The IC Specific Exam feedback is right on for this exam.

I knew NOTHING at all about economics before I started and do not like doing math problems on timed tests which makes this an "irritating" subject for me to learn! In the beginning it was painful, but in the end (about 9 days later) I felt quite comfortable with the material and did well on the test (see signature). I needed a high score to get alternate credit. I primarily used the IC flashcards and supplemented it with the awesome SparkNotes website on Economics (less material to read than a class book on Macroeconomics) to get more context and just read a different explanation when I was not getting something on IC. I did borrow a few books from the library, but in the end IC and SparkNotes were the resources I used the most. I also found a website that graphically displays the basic impact of changing supply and demand variables to help cement the concept in a more visual way.

Compared to Principles of Finance (which I am studying for now), Macroeconomics was a much less "irritating" exam for me - which makes sense as Principles of Finance is upper level material!

Let us know how you do!
CLEPS/DANTES ATTEMPTED/PASSED Big Grin -21 Classes credited:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]- Human/Cultural Geography (SOC300) 69/Nov 08

[/SIZE]- Intro to Business Law (LEG100) 73/Nov 08
- Astronomy (HUM300) 68/Nov 08
- Human Resource Management (BUS310) 73/Jul 08
- Money and Banking (ECO320) 64/Jun 08
- Principles of Finance (FIN100) 67/May 08
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO100) 75/Apr 08
- Principles of Marketing 74/Apr 08
- Introduction to World Religions (HUM400) 78/Apr 08
- Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 69/Mar 08 (6 credits)
- Introductory Psychology 74/Feb 08
- Introductory Sociology 73/Jan 08
- Principles of Mgmt 75/Dec 05
- English Comp (cold) 59/Sep 05 (6 credits)
- Information Systems & Computer Apps 72/Sep 05
- College French Language 75/Jun 05 (12 credits)

+Traditional Credits Earned 2005-2008: 17 classes - last 3 traditional classes completed Oct/08
ALL DONE NOV 08. Degree received: BS in Business Administration, minor in Management, SCL. Saved $$$$$ and Time - Thanks to InstantCert.[/SIZE]

Messages In This Thread
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by grace - 05-19-2008, 09:14 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by larry7crys - 05-19-2008, 09:19 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by cookderosa - 05-19-2008, 10:23 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by VAIO19 - 05-21-2008, 02:36 AM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by knucyt - 05-21-2008, 08:27 AM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by grace - 05-21-2008, 09:45 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by grace - 05-24-2008, 01:36 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by bmills072200 - 05-24-2008, 05:42 PM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by grace - 05-25-2008, 09:56 AM
I think I am getting it (am I?) - by ShotoJuku - 05-23-2008, 05:49 AM

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