05-30-2020, 02:13 AM
(05-29-2020, 11:38 PM)Lacedonia4 Wrote: Thanks,
as someone that only after so many years was able to go back to take college courses, I guess there is always that little fear that life gets in the way and one is not able to complete the goal. I have experienced it and now with the pandemic the same fears return. And I don't get why the associate is not viewed as a stand alone goal much anymore.
And yes in a sense it would be nice to have as a degree to start with. And then work towards the BA. I understand it doesn't make sense financially, but sometimes we should be happy with the small achievement too.
But I guess if one graduates with associate, they cannot ask you to get SOS 110 for the BA down the road?
An associate's degree isn't a goal anymore because a.) it usually does nothing to improve career prospects except in very specific cases b.) it is very expensive for the non-degree that you get. It's, essentially, a glorified HS diploma that you're paying thousands of dollars for. If you just want the feeling of accomplishment, you could go for a Pierpont BOG AAS. It still costs money (you need at least 12 RA credits) but you get something to hang on your wall to show how far you've come.