(05-08-2020, 10:49 PM)jsd Wrote: The groupon was in regards to these degrees:
Master in Human Resources Management
Master in Commerce Management and Marketing
Master in Digital Marketing and e-Commerce
Master in Business and Corporate Communication
Master in Hotel Management and Tourism
Master in International Trade
Master in Project Management
Master in Supply Chain Management
Master in Management and Team Management
Master in Big Data and Business Intelligence
Unfortunately this ministry site is giving me a database error right now so it's not clear, but assuming Silvious's list is definitive, it sounds most of these aren't even recognized locally.
Reasonable case to be made for Master in Big Data and Business Intelligence, though... and I guess if we're generous we can assume The following three below, but I am curious why the ministry and the school wouldn't be consistent in degree titles.
ENEB'S MBA = Isabe's Graduated or Graduated in Business Administration and Management
ENEB'S Master in Digital Marketing and e-Commerce = Isabe's Master's Degree in Digital Marketing
ENEB'S Master in Project Management = Isabe's Master's Degree in Project Management and Direction
Again, I'm getting a database error, so maybe all of the Groupon listed degrees are there too. I'm just looking at what was posted on the forum.
Responded to Silvious before really seeing what eLearner was saying.
So is this "official" vs. "Propio" somewhat similar to NA vs RA, but that in this system the "NA" equivalent (Propio) could come from a school that also has RA (Official) degrees? Not a perfect match/description I know, just trying to kind of put it in a more familiar context
I used Google Tranny to translate the degree name, so it could sound a little weird due to the factor of translation. The definite way to answer this would be comparing the eneb.es site with the recognized Spanish name. The four degrees I mentioned means it is officially accredited by the Spanish government.
I guess in a US sense, it could be a small university that has 10 programs accredited, and they develop 3 news programs. For the first few years, the new program wouldn't be accredited, but there would still people taking it because of the main university's name to catch it before it gets recognized. (Not assuming that ENEB is trying to get accreditation for all courses).
The RA and NA system is specifically the US as the scale of education here is too big to control. I'd refer to the "official" and "propio" closer to "Public" and "Private" school (personal opinion). Some EU countries cover all public school tuition/fees, so they are perceived as better as students normally have to fight for the "free" slot. The paid "private" one is hence seen as less desirable.