04-03-2020, 02:12 AM
Transfer Credit Policy Changes:
- Effective January 16, 2020, credit will no longer be accepted in transfer from the following organizations:
- Consortium for International Studies (CIS)
- Coopersmith
- Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies (RIJS)
- Tor Academy
- As of July 1, 2020 the DSST Exam: Substance Abuse will be considered lower level credit. It will no longer be upper level in transfer.
- As of February 19, 2020, the AP Exam: Art/Studio Drawing or General Portfolio will no longer be accepted in transfer. The ACE evaluation expired some time ago and the College will no longer accept it in transfer.
- As of June 1, 2020, Charter Oak State College will no longer accept in transfer FEMA Independent Study (IS) Courses. These courses will also not be accepted in our Credit Registry program. The College will continue to accept the FEMA courses that have been reviewed for credit by ACE. Please note: These are not the same as the FEMA IS courses.
- Students will have until 5/1/2020 to take the FEMA IS courses. They will then have until 6/1/2020 to send their transcripts to Charter Oak. No FEMA transcripts with IS courses will be accepted after 6/1/2020.