03-04-2020, 07:39 PM
First off, I apologize if these questions have been answered elsewhere on this forum, I haven't been able to find them. I'll be as brief and to the point as possible. I've read/watched many articles/videos online claiming that it is possible to earn a Bachelor's from scratch at these colleges (TESU/Excelesior) in anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months via earning credit by examination as opposed to actually sitting through the courses for years on end. I found this idea very appealing, but upon contacting these schools I've found them to be remarkably unhelpful if not downright contradictory regarding whether or not this is actually possible. They seem to be very unclear regarding how many credits can be earned via examination and how long it will take to earn the remaining courses in the normal manner, they just won't seem to give me a straight answer and I'm finding it very frustrating. I don't want to spend my money and time embarking on this process only to find out later that I was mislead by the school and that earning the degree will be a much more long and drawn out process than they claimed, I simply don't have the time. I would very much appreciate it if someone who has actually earned a Bachelor's degree (from start to finish) with either of these schools (if anyone actually has that is) via examination in under a year could tell me how they went about it. I honestly don't care what degree program it is as long as it doesn't involve much math. Thanks a bunch.