10-29-2019, 07:54 PM
(10-29-2019, 05:58 PM)shadowgem Wrote:(10-29-2019, 01:53 PM)Idreamofadegree Wrote: I have a college student who is looking to take some supplemental courses to accelerate his degree. He is currently at University so any classes need to be UL. The following list is what he has remaining:
305 Business Communications
320 Operations Management
350 Business in Society: Ethics and Responsibility
420 International Business and Global Economics
499 Business Strategy
Management (Need any 3 from list below)
303 Labor/Management Relations
340 Human Resources Management
325 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
370 Project Management
395 Special Topics in Management
470 Organizational Leadership and Change Management
Could anyone help with locating any providers who may have any of these courses available? Looking for online, independent courses from providers such as study.com, straighterline, sophia, etc.....
Thanks in advance for any help!!!!
First they need to verify what types of alternative credit sources their school will accept (ACE/NCCRS, ect) and how many credits they will be allowed to transfer in. It would also be helpful to have an idea of what university they are attending in order to make better or more informed suggestions.
If their university is alternative credit friendly, here's a few suggestions for self paced UL credit course sources that may work. Without knowing what university, its really not possible to know if any of these would be equivalent. Definitely make sure to have them check with their school beforehand to ensure transferability of any course before taking it.
305 Business Communications320 Operations Management
- SDC Organizational Communications
- Davar Managerial Communications
350 Business in Society: Ethics and Responsibility
- Saylor Academy Operations Management
- SDC Advanced Operations Management
420 International Business and Global Economics
- SDC Management Ethics
- Davar Business Ethics
499 Business Strategy
- SDC Globalization & International Management
- SDC International Finance
- CSU Global Management in the Global Economy
- Davar Multinational Corporate Finance
303 Labor/Management Relations
- Davar Advanced Strategic Management
- SDC Retail Strategy
340 Human Resources Management
- SDC Union and Labor Relations
- Coopersmith Training and Development
325 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
- SDC Strategic Human Resource Management
370 Project Management
- Coopersmith Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- CSU Global SSA Entrepreneurship in the Global Age
395 Special Topics in Management (unclear what they would be looking for here)
- SDC Project Management
- Saylor Academy Project Management
470 Organizational Leadership and Change Management
- SDC Leading Organizational Change
THANK YOU so much for this!!!
He is currently attending a private University in the state of Washington. We have checked with the college to see if they will accept any transfer credits outside of the college that are independent study and they are open to that. We just need to find some providers whose courses align with the classes listed and then we can go back to the college with the provider name, course and accreditation category to finalize the approval before he actually takes the course.
This list is a great start! Thank you so much!
The Institues-Insurance Ethics (2cr)
Sophia.org - Developing Effective Teams (1cr), The Essentials of Managing Conflict (1cr)
CSMLearn- CSMLearn Course (3cr)
TEEX- Cybersecurity 101, 201, 301 (11cr)
The Institues-Insurance Ethics (2cr)
Sophia.org - Developing Effective Teams (1cr), The Essentials of Managing Conflict (1cr)
CSMLearn- CSMLearn Course (3cr)
TEEX- Cybersecurity 101, 201, 301 (11cr)