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Bad Bad Vibes from WGU (and an Intro of sorts)
"Fast forward to WGU, an online university easy to seduce vulnerable working adults. ... Though I think we need to start calling this industry for what it is: a scam, a predatory human rights violation."

wow .. just wow

exaggerate much ?

"If they had it their way, they'd keep you on a 12 credit semester-semester hamster wheel doling out the $3000 something tuition every 6 months. "

and yet wgu's reddit is full of posts from people who accelerate and complete their term in a few days and sometimes their entire degree in one term

WGU isn't stopping people from accelerating so when you say "If they had it their way" you're really just making stuff up aren't you ?

"Why would anyone pick WGU for an IT-related grad degree if they could get into Georgia Tech's online CS graduate program?"

because they could complete it in 6 months (or even fewer) ?

"We're not interested in being cajoled into paying into a semester-semester system any longer than we have to."

kinda answered your own question there about WGU vs Georgia Tech , didn't ya ?

"Why do we want to do that? This was incredulous at the time. Why? Did he mean: 'Why do you want to save money and not cut me a few dollars more in commission?' "

he possibly meant that -- or he possibly meant stop procrastinating -- stop looking for reasons not to do a degree or 6 months from now you'll be in the same place you are now -- so just enroll and get started

go to reddit's "learn programming" forum and you see people asking "what language is best to start with?"
the answer is always "just pick one and get started .. you're spending more time and energy trying to decide which language to learn than actually learning one"

its the same with getting a degree
so the enrollment counselor could possibly be trying to get your money or he could possibly just be trying to get you started

"I can shatter your illusions about the quality of an Ivy League education (that ultimately led to my flunking and dropping out) but that's another story for another day.
... the first thing you note is the very subtle condescending shepherd-to-sheep like tone. "

with that kind of attitude and view of the world it doesn't sound like the problem is the quality of an Ivy League education or any school's enrollment counselors

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RE: Bad Bad Vibes from WGU (and an Intro of sorts) - by bluebooger - 10-04-2019, 09:17 PM

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