05-11-2008, 01:26 PM
I got a 70 (60 is passing) on Industrial Psychology. Don't buy the first book they list. I did and it was nearly useless. IC's Human Resources was my best tool for this exam. There is a little bit from org beh also. I had already taken both so all I did was review, after three days of figuring out the text book didn't work. Not too bad of a test. Logical very few trick questions. Nothing like Ops Mgt.
63 Prin Macro68 Prin Mktg, 66 Prin Mgmt, 52 Prin Micro,
506 Soc Sci and Hist, 659 Col Math, 431 Eng Comp,
63 Prin of Acc, [SIZE=1]55 Fresh Comp, 58 Humanit,
66 Info Sys and Comp App, 600 Nat Sci, 60 West Civ I,
58 West Civ II, 54 Intro Bus Law, 66 Ana & Int Lit
62 Mgmt Info Sys, 54 Mon & Bank, 65 Ethics in Amer
51 Prin Statistics, 47 Princ Fin (46 to pass),
65 Princ of Sup, 71 Bus Math, 72 Intro Bus
C Org Beh, C Human Res Mgmt, B College Writing, B Labor Relations, P Info Lit, A Business Strategy
57 Ops Mgmt (50 to pass), 70 Industrial Psych (60 to pass)
63 Prin Macro68 Prin Mktg, 66 Prin Mgmt, 52 Prin Micro,
506 Soc Sci and Hist, 659 Col Math, 431 Eng Comp,
63 Prin of Acc, [SIZE=1]55 Fresh Comp, 58 Humanit,
66 Info Sys and Comp App, 600 Nat Sci, 60 West Civ I,
58 West Civ II, 54 Intro Bus Law, 66 Ana & Int Lit
62 Mgmt Info Sys, 54 Mon & Bank, 65 Ethics in Amer
51 Prin Statistics, 47 Princ Fin (46 to pass),
65 Princ of Sup, 71 Bus Math, 72 Intro Bus
C Org Beh, C Human Res Mgmt, B College Writing, B Labor Relations, P Info Lit, A Business Strategy
57 Ops Mgmt (50 to pass), 70 Industrial Psych (60 to pass)