The only known international Business courses: Business 120: International Business to TESU as MAN-271 International Business and Management Business 308: Globalization & International Management to TESU as MAN-372 International Management Finance 302: International Finance to TESU as FIN-344 International Finance Marketing 303: Global Marketing to TESU as MAR-451 International Marketing (Equivalency Only)
Davar (these are the same as so just choose one or the other)
FIN-310 Multinational Business Finance to TESU as FIN-344 International Finance
MAN-330 International Management to TESU as MAN-372 International Management
What to Take (always confirm with TESU before doing anything)
Business Core requirement of international business: either business in society TECEP, 120 or 308
Area of Study:
Introduction to International Business: 120 or 308
Choose one of the following: International Economics, International Finance or International Marketing: 302, Davar 310 or maybe 303
International Accounting
International Monetary Systems
International Transportation
Import-Export Management
Law and Multinational Business
Management of Foreign Operations
Multinational Entry Strategies
For these I am not sure if any would count check any of the above courses listed that you have not used yet in other requirements.
Remember you can't double dip a requirement you can only count a class once thats why I suggest using the TECEP for international business in the core
Another thing to consider is you save $2800 and don't have to pay the residency fee if you take 16 credits at TESU. So if might be worth it to take the rest at TESU if they offer them. Business 120: International Business to TESU as MAN-271 International Business and Management Business 308: Globalization & International Management to TESU as MAN-372 International Management Finance 302: International Finance to TESU as FIN-344 International Finance Marketing 303: Global Marketing to TESU as MAR-451 International Marketing (Equivalency Only)
Davar (these are the same as so just choose one or the other)
FIN-310 Multinational Business Finance to TESU as FIN-344 International Finance
MAN-330 International Management to TESU as MAN-372 International Management
What to Take (always confirm with TESU before doing anything)
Business Core requirement of international business: either business in society TECEP, 120 or 308
Area of Study:
Introduction to International Business: 120 or 308
Choose one of the following: International Economics, International Finance or International Marketing: 302, Davar 310 or maybe 303
International Accounting
International Monetary Systems
International Transportation
Import-Export Management
Law and Multinational Business
Management of Foreign Operations
Multinational Entry Strategies
For these I am not sure if any would count check any of the above courses listed that you have not used yet in other requirements.
Remember you can't double dip a requirement you can only count a class once thats why I suggest using the TECEP for international business in the core
Another thing to consider is you save $2800 and don't have to pay the residency fee if you take 16 credits at TESU. So if might be worth it to take the rest at TESU if they offer them.