08-12-2019, 02:31 PM
(08-12-2019, 02:23 PM)Giantzebra Wrote: I found the second varsity tutors test to be more useful than the first. The first one includes integral rotation and that is not included on the Clep. The second one is fine though. I mainly used Saylor Academy - a free online college (some colleges accept Credit through there too). And, never underestimate the power of Khan Academy! Rootmath has many helpful videos,. There is a guy - professor Rob Bob on youtube who is good too. Paul's notes - a website - is fantastic as well. And, if you have a specific question, try mathstackexchange.com.Thanks a lot for your detailed response.
Also, there are derivative and integral calculators on the web that have steps - those can be super helpful.
For a full length practice test, try http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/pdf/pract...lculus.pdf. You can also go to your local library's website and see if they have the REA ebook. Mine did. These practice tests were the best ones. Are you just looking for practice tests, or are you still learning? Good luck!
My case is that I have studied calculus back in high school (in Vietnam). But it was 6 years ago so I have forgotten a lot! I have been reviewing Calculus on and off for the last month and rely on https://modernstates.org/ (to have their free voucher to register for the test). For me, the course is OK, as I have some knowledge in calculus, but I don't think that course would be helpful for anyone learning calculus for the first time.
I will take the test this Thursday so I'm running short of time, my strategy now is that I will do practice tests to see any parts that I need to reinforce rather than going through everything again (which I will do later because I want to have a firm grip on calculus).
Is this the REA book you talked about? https://www.amazon.com/CLEP%C2%AE-Calcul...B00CRWLKLM
Thanks a lot again!