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Charter Oak / Straighterline / Grades
(12-14-2018, 11:07 AM)cookderosa Wrote: Inside a different thread I mentioned that I was trying something to see if it worked- and I want to post the results.

Straighterline and Studycom courses sent directly from SL or SDC will come into Charter Oak with a grade.  If you place them on an ACE transcript first and send them to COSC, they come in as pass/fail.

Using my son's account, I sent his ACE transcript to COSC and had it evaluated.  Separately, I selected some SL courses with letter grades and had that transcript sent to COSC.  My goal/question was to see if I could get his A/B grades on his transcript but leave his C grades as "pass."  

Their reply was as follows:
<<< Thank you for your email.  When you applied to the college you sent in an ACE transcript for evaluation.  We transferred all the Straighterline courses recommended for credit from that transcript.  Because ACE does not indicate letter grades, all SL courses were recorded with a grade of ‘P’.  At this time, if you wish, you may have a comprehensive Straighterline transcript sent to us; the one received recently is incomplete.  Once the comprehensive transcript arrives we will convert all SL courses to the actual letter grades you earned.  Alternately, you can leave the evaluation as is; showing a letter grade of ‘P’ as reflected on the ACE transcript.  Charter Oak State College does not allow students to pick/choose or mix/match transcripts to show some letter grades and not others.  We will evaluate one transcript: the ACE transcript or the SL transcript.  I have discussed this with our Registrar and she confirmed this.  Please let us know which transcript you would like us to evaluate.    >>>

So, my son has ONE class through SL that was not on his ACE transcript, so I sent that one separately.  They allowed that grade to come over.

So- here's the deal, if you think you want to control how all of this is eventually entered on a transcript at COSC, you can send anything you DONT want to have  a grade directly to ACE and then to COSC, and the graded credits go directly to COSC from Study/SL.  Once everything is entered on the COSC transcript, be sure to go back and THEN send the rest of your Study/SL courses over to your ACE transcript so they aren't lost or in the event that you might need to transfer them somewhere else.

This was a good experiment and added a lot to my understanding about how COSC accepts transfer credit.

Have you been able to find a CLEAR degree plan for business at Charter Oaks?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Charter Oak / Straighterline / Grades - by basicunitoflife - 04-22-2019, 10:13 AM

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