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Charter Oak / Straighterline / Grades
(04-12-2019, 05:12 PM)GreggT67 Wrote: Maybe some of us want to see our overall GPA tracked and memorialized for ourselves, not because "maybe we might impress an employer" but for ourselves. We know it's not going to impact our COSC GPA because that's based on the courses taken through COSC. Some of us actually made an effort to learn something and not get through by the skin of our teeth. Pass just feels like our efforts to get an A isn't quite appreciated, especially when grades from Straighterline come across as a letter grade. It wouldn't be so hard for COSC to take that 87 or 90 or 93 and apply the correct letter grade to it using their own scale. 

Is that an acceptable answer? Why is knowing my motivation and probably a few others a big deal? These ARE rhetorical questions. Definitely not interested in an answer.

Maybe those of us interested in it should reach out to Sophia and (and maybe others that I'm not aware of) and ask for them to follow standard letter grades so they can transfer to COSC without showing as Pass/Fail.

I don't think this is about academic motivation. I also aim for top marks in all my academic pursuits despite the fact that I can pass with a 70% score. In fact, most of my SL and SDC courses are in the 95%+ range because I like to learn and this fulfills my desire for personal accomplishment.

That said, I feel that the purpose of this line of questioning is to ensure that people understand that the grades accumulated from alt. education providers like SL don't impact the organizational GPA at COSC, even if they do appear with letter grades on a transcript. I feel that this is important to clarify since this could become a big deal for future readers who may read this thread and assume SL courses come in as graded institutional credits at COSC, only to later find out later that they are not. I would hate for someone to become frustrated or feel cheated because the credits don't apply the way they expect and/or that future schools don't accept those courses as graded credits.

As long as people realize that any grades associated with alt. ed credits transferred to COSC are just there for personal edification (or perhaps to show an employer who only looks at the final degree transcript) but do not count as institutional credits or impact a students GPA at COSC, then that is fine.

Either way, pointing this out doesn't marginalize the effort of people who pursue high marks to earn a better overall grade. Your success isn't diminished in any way, so there is no reason for anyone to become agitated about pointing this out––at least in my opinion.
Working on: Debating whether I want to pursue a doctoral program or maybe another master's degree in 2022-23

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RE: Charter Oak / Straighterline / Grades - by Merlin - 04-12-2019, 07:16 PM

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