03-27-2019, 11:53 AM
(03-27-2019, 11:33 AM)mysonx3 Wrote: My recommendation would be to apply to TESU (and possibly also Excelsior, as they also have a History degree) to get official evaluations, but also post your credits here so we can help you plan out what to do while waiting on your evaluation. What History-related courses have you taken?I have all of this

School #1, juco on semester schedule
Psych 130 , Personal Adjustment, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Philo 115, Religious Comparisons & Inquiry, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Psych 101, General Psychology, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Socio 150, Ethnicity & Culture in America, 3 credits, Gen, Ed
SpCom 102, Intro to Human Comm., 3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 109, Performance Through Mental Training, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Anthro 101, Physical Anthropology, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Polsc 110, International Relations, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Music 110, Music Appreciation, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Hea 110, Healthful Living, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Pe 108, Care & Prev of Athletic Inj. , 3 credits, Gen Ed
Human 101, Intro to Humanities, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist 101, History of US to 1877, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Engl. 101, Comp. & Reading, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Hea 101, Emerg. Response / CPR, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Csci 201, General Computer literacy, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Busad 230, Personal Finance, 3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 121 , Coaching Effectiveness, 3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 100, Into to Physical Ed., 3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist 106, World Civ to 16th Cent., 3 credits, Gen Ed
Engl. 169, Children's Literature, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Philo 105, Crit. Reason & Analytic Writing, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Art 160, Appreciation of Art, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Psych 110, Human Sexualities, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist. 129, History of California, 3 credits, Gen Ed
School #2 juco on semester schedule
Lbst 10, Intro to Education, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Math 62, Algebra for Liberal Arts, 5 Credits, Gen Ed
currently enrolled in Math 105, Basic Structures of Math, 3 credits, Gen Ed