02-08-2019, 08:01 AM
Not saying this is right- but on my CV, I have 2 education sections. The first for my degrees and the second for "Additional Education" which includes selected continuing ed, adult ed, grad credit, undergrad credit, certificates, diplomas, and the like.
I have a master list on my computer of the zillions of extra education programs I've done that haven't resulted in a degree, and I curate the 4-5 best ones depending on the situation. I have a culinary set, a nutrition set, a health set, a teaching set, a wine set, and even childbirth education. If you keep a list, you can easily pull from them if you need (or leave them off too - when I apply for kitchen work I NEVER list my degrees after associate degree)
I have a master list on my computer of the zillions of extra education programs I've done that haven't resulted in a degree, and I curate the 4-5 best ones depending on the situation. I have a culinary set, a nutrition set, a health set, a teaching set, a wine set, and even childbirth education. If you keep a list, you can easily pull from them if you need (or leave them off too - when I apply for kitchen work I NEVER list my degrees after associate degree)