02-06-2019, 02:21 PM
I'm 99% sure I mentioned two years ago when I was last active on the forum that folks should be getting admitted, enrolling in a TECEP/cornerstone ASAP to lock the catalog, bringing credits in as they earn them despite transcript fees, etc and not wait around. So the water under the bridge argument isn't totally valid because TESU already has established past history of messing with us mid-catalog and it was mentioned before. Before you give tuition to TESU, it's pretty easy to change the rules of the game with no notice. After you give a few hundred dollars to TESU, the catalog is locked with an enrollment and past/anticipated credits are posted in the eval. Only then you're safe as long as you keep renewing the enrollment once a year with a TECEP, cornerstone, or capstone.
TESU BA CS and Math (graduated December 2016)