I can attest to that as well. Everywhere I have worked, they just wanted to know what qualifications you had, not look at your transcript for a grade point average. Nobody cares if you physically attended a campus or not.
TESU BALS: Awarded June 2019
TESU: LIB Capstone 3cr, Cornerstone 1cr
Aleks: 3cr, Insurance Institute: 2cr NFA: 1cr
Sophia: 2cr Straighterline: 48cr TEEX: 6cr
Study.com: 18cr B&M: 77cr
TESU: LIB Capstone 3cr, Cornerstone 1cr
Aleks: 3cr, Insurance Institute: 2cr NFA: 1cr
Sophia: 2cr Straighterline: 48cr TEEX: 6cr
Study.com: 18cr B&M: 77cr