08-23-2018, 06:24 PM
(08-23-2018, 06:12 PM)Merlin Wrote: Yes, it means you would have to wait until after your degree is conferred before starting on courses for the second degree. If you complete them before the degree is conferred, they will not count towards the next degree. This also means if you take psych classes as electives for your History degree, you will not be able to use those same classes if you return later for a Psych degree. You'll need to take different psych classes after the History degree is conferred.
I appreciate the info! Quick question about the bolded part: is this the case for ALL Psych classes, or only those that would have to count towards the 24 "new" credits? I.e. since there are more than 24 credits in a Psych AoS (39, to be exact), would this apply to all 39 Psych credits, or just to the 24 that need to be "new"?
And about the not bolded, but still quoted, part: This part is only the case if they're coming from different "schools" right? Since you can do both in the same graduation cycle?
BA History & Psychology, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
ASNSM Mathematics, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
Up Next:
JD, Cornell Law School, Class of 2024
Link to all credits earned: Link
BA History & Psychology, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
ASNSM Mathematics, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
Up Next:
JD, Cornell Law School, Class of 2024
Link to all credits earned: Link