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Wait, TESU or COSC? I need to commit NOW. Help!
I tend to overcomplicate things. This is no exception. Any input would be appreciated... 

I'm 5 courses/exams from a TESU BSBA HR. I need Statistics, English Comp. II, Managerial Communication, Cornerstone, and Capstone. All was well. Until I took a closer look at Charter Oak tonight (I had applied previously)... 

I'm 6 courses/exams from a COSC BSBA General Mgmt.: I'd need 3 ULs, Statistics, Cornerstone, and Capstone. (I don't know if a COSC BSBA w/HR concentration would work out the same. I like the HR AOS, but I'm not married to it.) 

I know my decision shouldn't hinge on cost -- especially because the two institutions aren't far apart on that front -- but I can't help but at least consider it. I'll spare you the breakdown, but it looks my remaining costs for TESU would be $764 more than COSC. 

This calculation assumes I'll have to take the TESU cornerstone (which TESU says I will, because I messed up and didn't transfer in all my credit before they did the academic evaluation). I think that'll be $366 with the discount. The tally also assumes I'll have to pay $2,200 for the residency requirement waiver with the discount. (However, today I talked to a TESU advisor who said it'll be $1,800. He reiterated this in an email, so I'm hoping that somehow I'll get it at that price.) 

So basically, if I had been early enough and savvy enough to get the TESU cornerstone waived and more favorable discount, the TESU and COSC costs remaining would be the same. 

By the way, the additional COSC UL electives required (vs. the LL TESU credits I need) wouldn't really be burdensome. If I went that route, I'd probably DSST those. For me, it's not really a factor one way or another.  

I don't know how COSC's and TESU's cornerstones and capstones compare. I guess if one school's were faster/easier, I'd consider that an advantage. (Don't think I'm lazy. Okay, maybe I am a little.) I know COSC's cornerstone is 3 credits and TESU's is 1 credit, so perhaps that's an indication that COSC's requires more time and effort? 

I'm sure there are lots of other -- frankly, much more important -- criteria I could consider. (What are those? Customer service? Reputation? I don't even know.) I'll keep processing this, but if anyone has any perspectives or advice to share regarding this new, self-inflicted dilemma of mine, I'd be really grateful.

I still have work to do, but I'm also closer to completion than I thought I'd be at this point. That said, maybe I'm just getting cold feet. I know... a "grass is always greener on the other side" mindset is probably not a good way to live -- or pursue a degree.

Messages In This Thread
Wait, TESU or COSC? I need to commit NOW. Help! - by kietro - 08-02-2018, 01:05 AM

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