07-11-2018, 10:50 AM
One of the reasons why Democrats are all centered in cities and college towns is because there is a culture of hate in many small towns and rural areas that forces anyone who is different away from the small towns and rural areas. We have a train of people in trucks who drive in a parade with Confederate flags on poles on the truckbeds every month here. The message is that black people are not wanted. Most people would rather avoid conflict, so no black people move to the area. Many of the towns in our area have billboards right next to the town/village limit sign that are purchased by local churches. They say things like "Jesus Died for Our Sins". This might be true, but if it's a big billboard right next to the city limits sign, non-Christians will get the idea and not move there. When my wife and I were looking to rent, one of the landlords refused to take us to the Mexican side of town because he didn't want to show us - Flemish/Czech/Bohemian ancestry - the "trash' neighborhoods on the other side of town.
Gerrymandering only works in this country because racism has driven people who are different away from racist places. Telling someone who looks Mexican to go back to Mexico is racist and it makes many areas of the country off-limits to people who have Mexican ancestry. This is why the system can then skew towards racist candidates like President Trump. It is part of the rot present in the country right now. In addition to being completely wrong, it is also a very un-Christian thing to say. There is no place for it.
Gerrymandering only works in this country because racism has driven people who are different away from racist places. Telling someone who looks Mexican to go back to Mexico is racist and it makes many areas of the country off-limits to people who have Mexican ancestry. This is why the system can then skew towards racist candidates like President Trump. It is part of the rot present in the country right now. In addition to being completely wrong, it is also a very un-Christian thing to say. There is no place for it.