06-15-2018, 07:48 AM
(06-13-2018, 08:07 PM)DonB Wrote: Hi folks,
I've only taken one other DSSt test , (and did fine) but took the Principles of Finance test yesterday and the wheel came off. After trying to make my case with the proctor, she sent me to Prometric directly. I had to push this lady hard to for her to direct me to a formal appeals process which I started today. The long winded appeal is pasted in below... extra points to get to the end.
SO my question is-- has anyone been successful in appealing? I don't expect to magically pass me, (although that would be lovely) but am looking to avoid waiting the cooling off period and paying again. It was a big enough hassle to find a test center and get there once.
I took this exam yesterday and ran out of time when I was about 80% complete.
The issue on time was due to having to back out of the test to confirm profile information. The proctor was with me through these attempts.
I was not aware (and the proctor didn't mention) when she backed me out that I was consuming time against my limit. This happened twice as we tried to 'start or restart' the test, but found (together) the only option was 'resume' Prior to these attempts, I had not seen or acted on any test questions.
Additionally, there was another DSST test taker at adjacent work station that was unable to get the credit card to work, working with the proctor, who was between us. This test taker initially left the test area, then returned, called the proctor back and started the login process again. (this was after I finally started the test)
The first problem cost me approximately 20-30 minutes from my test time. The second problem is harder to quantify, but this disruption went on another approximately 20 minutes into my test.
Note- this specific test is heavily weighted with Net present value and time value of money calculations where the ability to concentrate is critical. The disruption did not provide an atmosphere where I could concentrate.
The proctor did her best in assisting me but as she clicked items on my work station or had me do it but the loss of time was significant.
Finally the other test taker was trying to be quiet, however through her extended first try with the proctor, her exit, her return and then back with the proctor trying to login it was extremely disruptive. Note- her workstation was approx 3 feet from mine and had the proctor between through this activity.
I don't think you're going to get anywhere arguing about the quality of the testing center - DSST has no means of controlling that, and you are free to choose any testing center. That, I'm afraid, is a risk we all equally assume when we test. Some testing centers are better than others for sure.
As for what happened... Are you sure about the clock running during your profile completion? The profile questions are first and untimed, you can't go forward without clicking through them (unless that has been changed) but once you've clicked through them- you're off to the races. I don't think you can "pause" the clock at all, and I don't think the test allows you to go back into your profile during the exam. That would certainly compromise the exam security.