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The most Military/Veteran friendly College Commencements!
(05-28-2018, 04:19 PM)sanantone Wrote: Trump cheated on all three of his wives and inappropriately touched many women. He's threatened to sue his accusers. I don't really see the difference. 

I guess I just grew annoyed by multiple forum posts from people wanting to avoid diversity-type courses and liberal classmates. If I can sit through classes about people who look nothing like me for 13 years without a choice, then it won't kill you to take one diversity course. In the real world, you can't avoid people with different political opinions, and you can't even avoid diversity in most cities these days. Only in a first world nation would you have so many people complaining about having to take a diversity course. They're lucky they even go to go through K-12 without having to pay tuition.

I've also grown tired of people saying that they support the military and law enforcement, but only do so superficially. These are highly stressful, undesirable jobs that are hard to fill. People want others to protect them and do the dirty work, but they don't want to pay for it. Putting a flag on your truck and standing for the national anthem doesn't cure PTSD, and it doesn't pay for the heart disease and other medical problems LE retirees will face due to the nature of their careers. Those who retire after the age of 55 have a very high risk of dying before they even turn 65.

Sorry if I came off rude, but so many people these days only pretend to care about things or don't know what's really needed to support others.

I don't understand how learning about people who "don't look like you" is comparable to the pseudoscience drivel pushed by the social sciences in universities today. People who didn't look like you did the vast majority of the heavy lifting to develop Western Civilization. It's not unreasonable that an education rooted in Western Civilization consists of learning about those people. There's nothing inherently wrong with the idea of a diversity course, the problem is that it quickly devolves into the same collectivist, identity politics that have underpinned the worst atrocities of the 20th century.

I fundamentally disagree with the idea that superficial support for the police and military is on par with the openly antagonistic attitude the left has towards them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The most Military/Veteran friendly College Commencements! - by alexf.1990 - 05-28-2018, 04:43 PM

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