02-23-2008, 06:02 PM
gus Wrote:cbrchris, I wonder if you've had any success with the Visual Basic .Net at Excelsior. The reason I'm asking is that ACE's evaluation is for Visual Basic (no mention of .NET). It is most likely an updated course and is most likely not evaluated. If you've just asked Excelsior if they'll take Visual Basic ACE course no. ICS-0164 they'll say yes, but is Penn Foster offering the same course, that's the question. You don't want to take the whole course before finding out that it won't work at EC. I've written to PF for confirmation.
Penn Foster has also stopped offering Visual C++ (my original choice) and has since replaced it with Visual C# (which is not ACE evaluated and thus cannot be transfered to EC).
I'm hoping the Visual Basic course works. I'm really not looking forward to taking an ICCP programming language exam.
I also was not looking forward to the ICCP exams. I have been in the IT field for many years. Programming was one thing I have never had to do. I can follow along with code and understand what the processes are when looking at code. For the VB.net course I have been struggling with it coming up with the code to do what I want. In the course there are 5 exams covering different sections. These are open book exams and just take time finding the answers in the text, not that big of deal. Some of them appear to have multiple correct answers and you just have to take your time to verify them. I have gone to quickly a few times and missed the correct answer a few times. if you take your time at it they are not a problem and anyone could score well.
There are 6 projects in the course that you have to complete. The first one is documenting a proposed problem and creating the psuedocode, flowchart, etc for the problem. The other 5 are actually creating a program using VB. You are able to veiw a finished .exe that acts what you are trying to create. You just have to make your program act and look the same way. I am still in the process of creating my first program. I just need to put more time into understanding the concepts and process. I feel I may have been better off taking this course at a local community college to have interaction with an instructor. I did attempt to sign up two different semesters and each one was canceled due to not enough students. So decided to try PF.
I see your point regarding the ACE evaluation and Visual basic versus VB.net. I still feel that they will allow it since it can still be argued that it covers visual basic. I feel that the approval I have received should be enough since I included the course # and class title in my communication with EC. Hopefully I will be able to complete this course and see if they will accept it.