03-27-2018, 11:32 PM
Hi TESU experts,
Please look over my attached plan and offer up critiques or suggestions.
According to my interpretation of the degree requirements I need 34 additional credits.
My plan:
1) 9 CLEP / DSST exams
2) Two required courses from TESU
- TES-100 Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies
- APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
3) Project management (Need to find something to fulfill) Any suggestions for free or easy credit?
* Hoping they will accept my Biology 101 and 102 with labs for the science requirement instead of chemistry.
If this works the TESU cost will be:
$75 application
$2500 residency waiver fee
$300 TES-100 Cornerstone
$1497 APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
$332 graduation fee
$4704 Total plus the cost of the exam fees.
Please look over my attached plan and offer up critiques or suggestions.
According to my interpretation of the degree requirements I need 34 additional credits.
My plan:
1) 9 CLEP / DSST exams
2) Two required courses from TESU
- TES-100 Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies
- APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
3) Project management (Need to find something to fulfill) Any suggestions for free or easy credit?
* Hoping they will accept my Biology 101 and 102 with labs for the science requirement instead of chemistry.
If this works the TESU cost will be:
$75 application
$2500 residency waiver fee
$300 TES-100 Cornerstone
$1497 APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
$332 graduation fee
$4704 Total plus the cost of the exam fees.