03-17-2018, 12:30 PM
You can totally fill up most of your plan (except the AOS) with Shmoop, according to the plans I've seen.
Has TESU already added your ALEKS courses? If not, they might not count due to them expiring (not sure how it works, just know they're gone). Shmoop has Finite Math that can fit into your quantitative literacy requirement, if necessary.
For the rest:
Diversity: World Geography. Civic Engagement: American Government.
Knowledge of Human Culture: American Literature, British Literature, Classical Literature, Contemporary Literature
Understanding the physical & natural world: Intro to Biology, Intro to Chemistry
GE Electives: Pretty much anything from Shmoop. Same with free electives.
Has TESU already added your ALEKS courses? If not, they might not count due to them expiring (not sure how it works, just know they're gone). Shmoop has Finite Math that can fit into your quantitative literacy requirement, if necessary.
For the rest:
Diversity: World Geography. Civic Engagement: American Government.
Knowledge of Human Culture: American Literature, British Literature, Classical Literature, Contemporary Literature
Understanding the physical & natural world: Intro to Biology, Intro to Chemistry
GE Electives: Pretty much anything from Shmoop. Same with free electives.