03-11-2018, 01:14 PM
(01-16-2018, 03:54 AM)davewill Wrote: A lot of people here like to emphasize speed, but what's much more important is finishing. If you look at my sig, you will see that I did not speed through. I took just about the same calendar time a full time B&M student would have taken to finish... But when you consider that I spent 7 years doing the first 2 years of my schooling before giving up, the fact that I was able to keep my family and work lives in balance while doing the last two years worth in just under two years was great.
I absolutely agree! I also think about the fact that time passes either way; if you work towards something or don't that time is still going by. I'd much rather work on something at a slow pace instead of not doing it at all. The future is in our hands.

Just checking in here folks. I'm half done with this semester and have a 92% so far. This "Advanced Macroeconomic Theory" course is kicking my butt. It's not necessarily difficult, but the level of reading required is pretty brutal. On top of the chapters that need to be read there are a 6-8 LONG research papers that need to be read as well. The most difficult aspect of this course is there are only 3 exams + 1 research paper needed to be done. That sounds like a good thing to some people but for me it means the margin for error is much smaller. Bombing one test/paper would be devastating towards the final grade.
Take care guys, I'll check in again at some point.
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)
TESU (Graduated 2016)
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)
TESU (Graduated 2016)