03-08-2018, 04:22 PM
ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting 4.00
BUS-110 Introduction to Business 3.00
WBL-112 Work-Based Learning I 2.00
MAT-070 27 Introductory Algebra 4.00
SPA-111 42 Elementary Spanish I 3.00
SPA-181 42 Spanish Lab 1 1.00
ENG-275 82 Science Fiction 3.00
PSY-281 07 Abnormal Psychology 3.00
PSY-150 14 General Psychology 3.00
PHI-230 01 Introduction to Logic 3.00
ENG-113 47 Literature-Based Research 3.00
HUM-130 03 Myth in Human Culture 3.00
COM-110 14 Introduction to Communications 3.00
ENG-111 56 Expository Writing 3.00
CIS-110 84 Introduction to Computers 3.00
MAT-070 20 Introductory Algebra 4.00 (D grade however)
MUS-110 21 Music Appreciation 3.00
DSST Recently passed:
Ethics in America DSST 3.00
Principles of public speaking DSST 3.00
CLEP completed:
Intro to Sociology 3.00
College Mathematics 3.00
American History 1 3.00
Biology 6.00
101 2.00
201 2.00
301 2.00
The Institute:
Ethics 2.00?
That teams course that i cant even remember the name of now. 1.00?
In progress at CC:
CJC-111-41 Intro to Criminal Justice 3.00
CJC-231-80 Constitutional Law 3.00
CJC-131-80 Criminal Law 3.00
CJC-112-81 Criminology 3.00
Eng-112 research / writing 3.00
GEO-111 World Geography 3.00
ACA-151 Transfer Success 1.00
Personal Finance 3.00? (In process)
At approximately 102 credits. But i need help plugging them in to the BALS Plan to see what else i need to take. I know i at least need 15 credits + capstone/cornerstone
I would appreciate anyones help planning this out!
ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting 4.00
BUS-110 Introduction to Business 3.00
WBL-112 Work-Based Learning I 2.00
MAT-070 27 Introductory Algebra 4.00
SPA-111 42 Elementary Spanish I 3.00
SPA-181 42 Spanish Lab 1 1.00
ENG-275 82 Science Fiction 3.00
PSY-281 07 Abnormal Psychology 3.00
PSY-150 14 General Psychology 3.00
PHI-230 01 Introduction to Logic 3.00
ENG-113 47 Literature-Based Research 3.00
HUM-130 03 Myth in Human Culture 3.00
COM-110 14 Introduction to Communications 3.00
ENG-111 56 Expository Writing 3.00
CIS-110 84 Introduction to Computers 3.00
MAT-070 20 Introductory Algebra 4.00 (D grade however)
MUS-110 21 Music Appreciation 3.00
DSST Recently passed:
Ethics in America DSST 3.00
Principles of public speaking DSST 3.00
CLEP completed:
Intro to Sociology 3.00
College Mathematics 3.00
American History 1 3.00
Biology 6.00
101 2.00
201 2.00
301 2.00
The Institute:
Ethics 2.00?
That teams course that i cant even remember the name of now. 1.00?
In progress at CC:
CJC-111-41 Intro to Criminal Justice 3.00
CJC-231-80 Constitutional Law 3.00
CJC-131-80 Criminal Law 3.00
CJC-112-81 Criminology 3.00
Eng-112 research / writing 3.00
GEO-111 World Geography 3.00
ACA-151 Transfer Success 1.00
Personal Finance 3.00? (In process)
At approximately 102 credits. But i need help plugging them in to the BALS Plan to see what else i need to take. I know i at least need 15 credits + capstone/cornerstone
I would appreciate anyones help planning this out!