(03-07-2018, 03:00 PM)icampy Wrote: Hey ya'll. I was wondering if anyone knows of a decently-priced EHS/OHS-type masters, online....possibly that accepts some transfer credits? Preferably RA. Self-paced preferably. CSU fit that, but they aren't RA. I see lots of "emergency management" type degrees that are aaaaalmost what I want, but not quite. I am interested in moving into a EHS position at my company at the end of the year, and would like to possibly be enrolled in another program by then. I have a shot already, but would l like to boost my chances however I can (going to do a quick OSHA 30 just because in the meantime). Considered certificates (don't know that I want to put in the time for a degree at the bachelors level, anyways...saving that for a 2nd degree from TESU in History possibly). If I get the position, an ASP and later CSP will be my educational goals after that. I plan to get the MSI training cert before the end of the year, also, as part of the job will be training.
Doubt you would find self-paced, so a Masters is likely to take a while

I would suggest this for you: http://catalog.uwf.edu/graduate/publiche...healthtext or http://catalog.uwf.edu/graduate/publiche...healthtext or both! They might be pretty quick! They have a full MPH but it's probably 2 years. It has an internship.