11-16-2017, 06:49 PM
I finished all my classes or so I thought I did... but I was looking over my transcript today to make sure everything was fulfilled for December graduation, but I noticed that I needed .32 units more.
I need one additional unit in the Additional General Education Electives Area... If I take a 3 unit course through StraighterLine will this work or can I not have over the 121.33 units required to graduate on my transcript?
I am almost done with History I course through StraighterLine will this work in this area? or does anyone have suggestions for a free course somewhere that will work for sure?
I took upper division business ethics through StraighterLine so I do not think the free insurance ethics will work here correct?
I finished all my classes or so I thought I did... but I was looking over my transcript today to make sure everything was fulfilled for December graduation, but I noticed that I needed .32 units more.
I need one additional unit in the Additional General Education Electives Area... If I take a 3 unit course through StraighterLine will this work or can I not have over the 121.33 units required to graduate on my transcript?
I am almost done with History I course through StraighterLine will this work in this area? or does anyone have suggestions for a free course somewhere that will work for sure?
I took upper division business ethics through StraighterLine so I do not think the free insurance ethics will work here correct?