08-22-2017, 01:42 PM
where are you located? Location matters and I'm not sure if this is correct but you can call the education department at most colleges tell them you are liberal studies major and wanting to teach and would like to know the demand I've heard you can teach college skills classes etc.. I know a masters where I am is needed for a junior college and PHD is needed for University level.. I am in California... I talked to a professor yesterday about this myself. I am trying to decide on k-12 multi subject credential versus teaching at college level. Turns out she is thinking of going back for a credential to teach in elementary or high school because it's more stable. I'm not trying to change your mind but wanted to give you this information so you know.. Also, college level you're paid by class usually.. credentialed in k-12 your paid by salary this is why college level can be tough especially starting out.