07-04-2017, 04:18 PM
CM1999 Wrote:I've been at this for a while (going very slowly, I work two jobs and have an adopted child who has behavior struggles). Straighterline is going the fastest for me. Study.com made me want to pull my hair out (8-110 quizzes). I really like that I can skim the SL book, open the quiz and search the book for the answer ---for some reason this method really makes things 'stick' in my head and I do feel like I'm learning far more than when I did other course platforms. It sometimes takes me a bit to search out the answer but I do eventually find them.
What I do is 'flag' the questions that I guessed on, the ones where I couldnt find the answer, and I go back to those at the end if I have time left over.
how long is it taking you to get the courses done? I'm finding that skimming the book and then hunting the quiz questions is fairly quick. I usually skip the other stuff ---those slides where they show a slide and have someone talking really annoy me for some reason.
Yep, I figured out that those presentations did not help at ALL on the quizzes so i started skipping them too. I have also been skimming the book and then just searching for the quiz answers. I still feel like I am going at a snail's pace though.
Have you done any final exams yet? I am very nervous about the 'proctor' part of it, I've never done anything like that before.