06-08-2017, 04:48 AM
dfrecore Wrote:I agree, it's certainly not ambiguous here. But, what will be argued, when you contact them, is the meaning of Area of Study as it relates to the Business degree. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that they probably won't go for it. But I'd certainly contact them, and send them this link, as well as the links to both of the business degrees that you want, and see what happens, if you want to fight it.
I would say that at best, they'll say it doesn't apply to the BSBA. At worst though, they may decide that you can't get a GM and another AOS for the BSBA. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they did this.
I don't think I will pursue a challenge; it may be futile lesson in frustration to my disadvantage, that could be remedied by taking one more course. I'm not sure if this is the ideal mindset to have when approaching this situation, but the effort vs potential reward seemed to be against me.