05-31-2017, 07:17 PM
davewill Wrote:I would only do an associate's if it promised an immediate benefit (raise, promotion at work or other job opportunity that specifically requires one), or if I thought there was a serious chance that a bachelor's might get delayed by circumstances. Otherwise, there just isn't much of a use for one. The WV BOG AAS degrees (WVNCC/Pierpont) changes the equation slightly since it's possible to get it without spending any extra time or money.
Davewill makes an excellent point. There's a difference between "doing" an AS/AA/AAS vs. "happening to have the credits for" it. As he says, unless there's a tangible, immediate benefit for the AS/AA/AAS, it's only worth getting if it's free/easy/doesn't take you off track. (Where I mentioned prereqs previously, you can do math prereqs without doing a full math AS/AA, for example. If you don't need it, put the speed/energy into getting the BS so you can get on to bigger things beyond!)