05-24-2017, 02:27 PM
davewill Wrote:Thanks, I did appreciate that. I don't mean to niggle, You give a lot of good info and advice. You just made it sound like he could pound out GenEds without picking a path and that I was incorrect to point out he couldn't. Normally we do make that suggestion around here, when the choice is among the Big3, but since that's not the case here, I was afraid he could start into the usual alternative credit and have it not be useful.No worries. You're right (again), that he's going to have to pick a path so as not to waste time/effort/money. The OP should emphasize that point, when they speak next, because the dependency tree is rather complex.
(I know, I know...before liberal arts fans come out of the woodwork with pitchforks & torches, the gen-eds can be fun and informative!! But I'm a math/sci/eng nerd who'd rather spend my little stash of money on things giving me skillz. I'd rather read those history/art/sociology books for free in my spare time! Just like some of you hate having to do so much math/sci for the history degree! )