05-19-2017, 07:52 PM
CarpeDiem8 Wrote:That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that happened.
Thank you. Hindsight being 20/20 I would have fought against the injustice immediately instead of being shocked and frozen by it.
Synicaal Wrote:Thank you!! This make a lot more sense to me now. I was so confused on how these balances came about but know I understand, thank you for the clarification.
Also in case it was taken in such way I wasn't making negative comments about people who came into this situation I just didn't understand how it happened.
I didn't take it that you were being negative

dfrecore Wrote:I totally get your predicament. I think that you're right, and you have 2 options. 1) You can find a school that won't ask for all of your transcripts, and start from scratch. 2) You can start accumulating credits for a degree at one of the Big 3, and save up while you're at it to pay off your debt, so that when you want to actually enroll at a school, you're free to send that other transcript. Since you'll be bringing in your credits from the previous school, you should know what courses you took and what level they were at (LL or UL) and then work those into whatever plan you will do.
I personally would do the latter, even though it's a bigger pain in the butt, because I think the money you save going through TESU or one of the Big 3 kind of offsets the money you have to pay to the school. Not entirely, but it certainly helps. And also, because it will get that monkey off your back. I'm sure it's been a weight on your shoulders for a long time.
If you post your credits here, we can help to make sure that they fit as well as possible into your degree plan, so you don't waste a dime on courses that you don't need.
Good luck!
It has been a full on gorilla! An additional angst because I pledged a sorority and it's really wack to have my letters and not a degree

I will take your advice and post my credits to figure out what fits what degree. I read something about a 10cr limit for credits over 10 years...anyone familiar with that or shall I post in a different thread?