Ideas Wrote:This seems correct to me. I think under $6000 is possible too, especially at COSC, or for someone starting with a variety of Gen Ed credits.
I'm thinking that spending over $8000 is kind of wasting money, unless it's because someone is trying for a GPA or school with better name recognition. I think even with going more slowly, $8000 is around the cost.
bjcheung77 Wrote:Those CEGEP degree's (3 year) will be recognized as two year associates degrees. You will need to get an evaluation done at one of the agencies.
You're pretty much half way "or more" towards a degree in anything actually, it will be less than $10g for you, and maybe even less than $6 grand USD.
It's not the time that will cost the $, it's where you take your courses that will cost "less or more". For more info, See this thread:
dfrecore Wrote:So, with your Canadian degree/courses, you are well on your way to this, possibly with less than half the courses left to take. That would knock about 60 credits and $2000 off the cost right there, but it could easily be more.That is really good news! I had no idea my past CEGEP degree could be used as credits. That's a nice surprise.
Your first and most important step is to get your degree evaluated by one of the companies that does this, and then apply at TESU and COSC. We can help more after you get through that part, because it's impossible to tell you what to do until you know what you have already.
I'll be reading more and looking at organizing this. I have a whole bunch of other things to take care of first, but knowing that getting this degree is possible is really motivating—and at half the time and cost that I initially thought!
Thanks a lot for the help!